Friday, January 8, 2016

Simple Man

Called to be a simple man
and live a simple life
of childlike faith, trust, hope, and love,
fully alert, fully alive
to all the heavenly nuances
that tug upon a heart,
filled with expectation and peace,
carefree in the Bridegroom's arms.
The Wise Men, who came from afar,
lived as simple men.
They studied the heavens, located His star,
and set out peacefully to search for Him -
the Holy Child, only Son of God,
the Lamb soon to be slain
who safely rested in His mother's arms -
THE Name above all names.
A simple man who truly loves
his mighty, heavenly Father
has nothing to fear, no worries, intrigues,
no need to carefully watch others
because he knows deep down inside
that his Father truly loves him
and that everything and everyone
are His creatures, bound to serve Him.
A simple man understands
God's sovereignty,
accepting all just as they are,
walking in gentleness and generosity.
He wants no more or less than he has,
is content and just and kind,
humbly filled with childlike faith
knowing he has his Father's eye.

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