Water Into Wine
Recently, someone said something like, "I really don't have anything to offer. I don't sing, and I don't teach. I don't have any special talents. I couldn't possibly do that."
My thoughts? Hmmm . . . . BS! (Sorry!)
God has enabled and empowered ALL of us to do the incredible.
So, what if your offering is just water?
So, what if your offering is just a piece of bread or a cookie?
So what if your offering is a just a hug, a note, a cup of coffee or tea, a kind word, etc.?
These are NOT "little" things. NOTHING offered in Jesus' name and prompted by His love is an ordinary, common, unadorned anything. EVERYTHING given in Love's name is EXTRAORDINARY. Each of these "small" gifts becomes a miracle when offered in the light of His love. [Read Matthew 25, especially verse 40.]
When we say, "I can't. I really don't have anything I can offer," we're first of all calling God a liar and finally simply quitting. We're giving up . . . without a fight.
NOWHERE in scripture is it okay to give up.
Since God in His mercy has given us this new way [new life],
we never give up . . .
For God, who said, "Let there be light in the darkness,"
has made this light shine in OUR hearts . . .
we are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. (2 Corinthians 4)
The Creator of the universe who gave light to the world and who gave us THE Light of the World has imbedded His light, His love in us to share with everyone we know and meet.
Who are we to call His gifts insignificant nothings?
Who are we to say we have nothing to give?
We have everything worth anything to give. As He offered Himself completely, we too should freely offer ourselves.
I encourage myself and you today: LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE! Let Him take your water and turn it into wine. Don't let fear keep you from serving. Yes, behind every one of those "I can'ts" stands FEAR. Fear is not of God; Faith is of God.
In 2 Corinthians 4 (read the whole chapter - really good), Paul quotes Psalm 116:10: I believed in God, so I spoke.
Believe today and speak.
Believe today and shine.
Believe today and offer your whatevers.
I believe your whatevers will become miracles for those around you.
Couldn't we all use a miracle?
Say not you cannot gladden, elevate, and set free;
that you have nothing of the grace of influence;
that all you have to give is at the most only common bread and water.
Give yourself to your Lord for the service of men with what you have.
Cannot He change water into wine?
Cannot He make stammering words to be instinct with saving power?
Cannot He change trembling efforts of help into deeds of strength?
Cannot He still, as of old, enable you in all your personal poverty
"to make many rich"?
God has need of thee for the service of thy fellow men.
He has a work for thee to do.
To find out what it is, and then to do it,
is at once thy supremist duty and thy highest wisdom.
"Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it."
~Canon George Body, circa 1840
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