I am indebted to my home group for this word.
Love you, guys!
Friday evening . . .
anticipation all week . . .
beautiful home,
warm, inviting . . .
candles glowing . . .
hugs, laughter, stories . . .
something wonderful in the kitchen -
cake, goodies,
coffee from a fancy machine . . .
one table, seven chairs . . .
sweet communion of saints . . .
more laughter, stories, even a little joking around . . .
and then . . .
everything, everyone stills for a moment,
settles . . .
two words,
red-letter words,
simple words from a not-so-simple man,
a not-so-simple life plan,
not a suggestion but maybe a command -
Don't worry.
"I'm only human . . .
Everyone worries."
Yes, we are human.
Yes, everyone worries.
But . . . should we?
We've read, we've studied, we've quoted the red words,
but have we HEARD the red words?
Do we believe, live the red words?
Do they dwell in our heart?
Worry has many traveling companions.
Alongside worry stands fear.
Close by stands lack of faith.
Behind lack of faith stands unbelief,
Doubt holds unbelief's hand.
All of these come with questions.
Why, God?
Is God?
Will God?
Where are You?
My ways are not your ways.
Seek ye first . . .
I've got this.
I've got you.
Nothing - NO THING - surprises me.
Trust . . . obey . . . believe . . . rest . . .
Boils down to trust, perspective.
I see the whole picture.
I have a plan.
Have to somehow tame our thoughts and imaginations . . .
When they get to spinning like whirlybirds in a hurricane,
we get lost and lose perspective.
Like a two year old forced to sit for an hour on his mother's lap,
we get antsy . . .
impatient . . .
Like the newly liberated Israelites,
we grumble . . .
complain . . .
cry out for Egypt . . .
wonder if God knows what He's doing.
Wondering makes us wander.
Somewhere we have to stop the madness . .
put down our foot . . .
say . . . and believe -
"In the great hand of God, I stand."
He's got this . .
and everything else . . .
the "whatevers" of a lifetime.
Whatevers are inevitable.
Instead of driving us into worry,
they should lead us to the "what-so-evers" of God:
things that are true,
right . . .
things that are pure,
admirable . . .
things that are excellent and worthy of praise -
the only thing worthy of our praise is God.
Think on these.
When the whatevers come,
turn our thoughts on Him . . .
"Turn your eyes upon Jesus . . .
and the things of earth (even our worries)
will grow strangely dim
in the light of His glory and love."
The what-so-evers change our perspective
and calm our wanderings.
This was our little group's word for this year . . .
for life.
"Come, thou Fount of every blessing
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace . . .
Praise the mount. I'm fixed upon it . . .
Hither by Thy help I come . . .
Let Thy goodness, like a fetter
Bind my wandering heart to Thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it.
Prone to leave the God I love.
Here's my heart, O, take and seal it.
Seal it for Thy courts above."
Worry . . . wandering . . . leaving the God I love . . .
maybe not this day, this week, this month, this year . . .
the rest of our days.
I want to enjoy the good,
see the beautiful,
rest in Your arms,
dwell upon Your lap.
Still, my wandering heart . . . and mind.