Wednesday's musings . . .
Ten lepers sitting at a distance crying out for mercy.
"Go show yourselves to the priests."
They left.
As they went, they were healed.
One and ONLY one returned to give thanks.
"Where are the others?" (Luke 17)
Satan's sin . . . ingratitude and a quest for MORE.
Adam and Eve's sin . . . MORE.
Liberated Israel's sin . . . ingratitude and a quest for MORE.
King David's sin, the man after God's heart . . . MORE.
Ingratitude and discontent are ALWAYS the catalyst for sin.
Communion almost every Saturday evening
over the holidays at Vineyard ReCovery.
Powerful moments.
Come-and-go Communion on Christmas Eve.
Powerful moment.
Communion . . . The Lord's Supper . . . the Eucharist.
Jesus "gave thanks" at the Passover table.
The original language reads eucharisteo.
The root charis, "grace."
Chara also means "joy."
Thanksgiving . . . Grace . . . Joy
He gave thanks and broke bread . . .
His body . . .
He gave thanks and offered the cup . .
His blood of the covenant . . .
Broken bread and poured out wine . . .
His sacred act . . .
Our call
At the beginning of His literal broken moments,
the King of Brokenness gave thanks.
THE King . . .
Gave . . .
THANKS . . .
Who for the JOY set before Him . . .
The next few moments of His short life would be anything but joyful.
Joy awaited on the other side of brokenness.
Joy awaits us too.
Must keep our eyes on the prize, not the brokenness.
Must find contentment, rest . . .
Satisfaction with what we do have
instead of questing for MORE,
unless that quest is for MORE of God's presence.
Whether we are aware or not, we are all broken.
Brokenness is part of Life.
The question is not if or when.
It's "what will we do with the brokenness?"
Is our God good always?
Do we really trust Him?
Does He really transform all things into good?
Has He ceased taking all the ugly and making it into beautiful
in His time,
in His way,
for His glory?
Is Eternity really in our hearts?
Is today really transient and tomorrow forever?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes!
I am loved . . . ALWAYS IN EVERYTHING.
God is good . . . ALWAYS IN EVERYWAY.
Jesus gave us a holy example for how to live fully
and die gracefully (full of grace).
He gave thanks and was broken.
He gave thanks BEFORE the brokenness.
We give thanks always,
especially IN the brokenness.
That's the only way to survive those moments.
Thankfulness opens the door for the transforming power of God.
Thankfulness releases grace and joy and peace . . .
all things necessary to do what needs to be done in those moments.
Thankfulness allows me to rest in His arms, to lean into Him.
Tired of squirming around, fidgeting,
getting up and down on His lap.
The Eucharist . . .
Thanksgiving . . . Grace . . . Joy . . . Brokenness . . .
Ten broken men healed,
given all they could have dreamed of.
One heart full of thanksgiving.
"Where are the others?"
His eyes still search for the "others" today.
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