Saturday, January 23, 2016

Last week, the Power Ball lottery was approximately $1.5 billion.  So many people around drove to Georgia to purchase tickets including me and my husband.  I personally do not see anything wrong in spending a "little" money on a MAYBE.

It was a beautiful day (have not had too many of them here lately), a beautiful ride in a beautiful new truck, delicious mint-chocolate ice cream in a waffle cone, and a little dreaming.

"What would you do if we won just a piece of the lottery?"

"Well, I would buy a new roof for both sides of the church (am tired of messing with those roofs), pay off all my bills, record all my songs, publish a couple of books, and give the rest away to family and friends."  Honestly, that is the list that immediately fell off my tongue.

After a little thought, I added, "I might even buy a grand piano and a new keyboard but only after I have taken care of my family and close friends."  Yes, dreaming can be fun.

Back to real life.  Every decision we make in life is crucial to our story, our future.  Our past deeds are but a few pages of the 300-plus novel most of us will write.  The story to be written in the future is determined by the choices we make now.

So, what would we do if someone who could deliver came to us and said, "Ask me for something.  You can have anything you want."  JACKPOT!  God has done exactly this.

Solomon in 1 Kings 3:1-15 won God's lottery!  In a dream, the Lord appeared to Solomon and said, "Ask what you wish Me to give you."  Solomon carefully, humbly considered the Lord's proposal.

You have shown great lovingkindness to Your servant, David my father, who walked before You in truth and righteousness and uprightness of heart . . . You have given him a son to sit on his throne . . . Now, I am king . . . but I am yet a little child [about twenty years old].  I do not know how to go out or come in.  I am the king of Your chosen people, a great people who are too many to be numbered.  So give Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, to discern between good and evil . . .

Solomon could have asked for fame, victories over his enemies, fortune, magnificent palaces, many children, health, a beautiful wife, immortality, etc.  But, he did not. 

Remember Solomon was the second child of David and Bathsheba; the first died as a result of David's sin.  He grew up watching David rule.  He survived David's civil war with his other sons.  He knew what God wanted and what He did not want.  The author of 1 Kings knew this and made this statement before he recorded Solomon's dream:  Solomon loved the Lord.

Solomon's love for God guided him when God popped the million-dollar question.  Solomon's love for God and for what God loved - His people - prompted him to ask for wisdom to rule rightly.

God was pleased, and because of the nature of Solomon's request, God gave him what he asked for and everything else.  God gave him a wise and discerning heart so that there would never ever be anyone like him in history, and He also gave him what he did not ask for - riches, honor, fame, and long life so long as he kept God's statutes and commandments.

What did Solomon do after he awakened from the dream?  Did he run around telling everyone about his good fortune?  No.  What he did revealed the true nature of his heart.

He worshipped and provided a feast for all his servants.  He was not thinking about himself; he was genuinely grateful to God and generous to those who served him.  Can you see where his heart was positioned?  In the very center of God's great big hands and heart.

Yes, Solomon, a man after his "father's Father's" heart, knew what to ask for, and ask, he did.  He and God's people were winners.  His lineage would provide the Christ child who became the Savior/Redeemer of the whole world.  Solomon's decision impacted not only his future but ours as well.

As this year is still new and fresh, may we all love God as Solomon did.  May we all heed Solomon's example and make good, wise, godly decisions.  The decisions we make today will determine what is written on the future pages of our own stories.  Let's make it a best seller.

Friday, January 15, 2016


Cried most of the way home last night.
Yes, I was in pain,
but the tears were more frustration than anything.
Been a long three months
with very little progress.
Kept asking,
"Is this the rest of my life?"
Once the vault is unlocked,
tears come flooding out.
There is no containment,
just futile attempts at trying to shut them away
for the next time I take inventory.
Not angry,
not really depressed,
just extremely tender,
He sees and understands my tenderness,
my brokenness.
He too is tender.
He too was broken.
He doesn't mind my tears,
and I don't ask questions.
His hands are big enough.
They have always been big enough.
When I was young,
I dreamed big dreams.
We dreamed together.
These I pursued with ardor, patience, flexibility.
Have to be flexible, teachable.
Middle age found me pulled in many directions -
family, career, church.
Almost pulled me apart.
Retirement brought suffering, pain
with little reprieve -
oh, and blindness.
Feel like I'm flying blind these days.
My biggest dream today,
instead on finishing well,
is to have another day,
another chance to finish well.
I also desire to survive that day.
Today's journey is painful and tiring,
jammed with difficulties to overcome
and mysteries to ponder.
It is what it is.
I can no longer see where I'm going,
so I do not trust my senses.
I can no longer rely on my own strength,
so I do not trust my abilities.
I can no longer bank on my own ideas or intuition,
so I do not trust my mind.
I can, however, follow my heart
and carry on as best I can
in spite of weakness.
My weakness, my brokenness, my pain -
they don't scare Him.
He embraces it all.
He is the King of Brokenness.
Yes, the road seems narrower,
but I can still get up,
put one foot in front of the other,
and take one step at a time
with my face turned toward the Son.
My advance,
however near or far,
in is Divine hands.
So . . . I . . . WILL
do justly,
love mercy,
walk in humility,
listen for His voice,
follow His instructions,
love Him faithfully,
love others as best I can,
trust Him implicitly,
and worship any way I can.
He's been there all along - 
the Rock that sheltered my soul in the past,
the Power hidden behind my mysteries,
the Shadow who has carried me thus far.
He will continue to be here until the end
whenever, wherever, however that may come.
Yes, He has been there all along
and will continue to be here.
This is all I know.
It is enough.
He is enough.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Simple Man

Called to be a simple man
and live a simple life
of childlike faith, trust, hope, and love,
fully alert, fully alive
to all the heavenly nuances
that tug upon a heart,
filled with expectation and peace,
carefree in the Bridegroom's arms.
The Wise Men, who came from afar,
lived as simple men.
They studied the heavens, located His star,
and set out peacefully to search for Him -
the Holy Child, only Son of God,
the Lamb soon to be slain
who safely rested in His mother's arms -
THE Name above all names.
A simple man who truly loves
his mighty, heavenly Father
has nothing to fear, no worries, intrigues,
no need to carefully watch others
because he knows deep down inside
that his Father truly loves him
and that everything and everyone
are His creatures, bound to serve Him.
A simple man understands
God's sovereignty,
accepting all just as they are,
walking in gentleness and generosity.
He wants no more or less than he has,
is content and just and kind,
humbly filled with childlike faith
knowing he has his Father's eye.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


seen a lot . . . felt too much . . .
heard it all . . . seem out of touch . . .
feel alone . . . no one understands . . .
tired of it all . . . afraid to stand . . .
No one's immune from the trials in life.
We've all had our share of pain and of strife.
It's a struggle just to survive
If you're hurting, don't give up.
If you're weary, don't give out.
If you're tempted, don't give in.
If you're afraid, just cry out,
my friend.
There is one who has seen what we've seen.
There is one who has been where we've been.
There is one who truly understands.
There is one with the grace for us to stand,
my friend.
So, don't give up.
Don't give out.
Don't give in.
Cry out,
my friend.

Shake It Off!

I stopped making New Year's resolutions awhile back because the resolutions seemed to set me up for failure. I don't know about you, but I have enough failure in my life without inflicting more on myself.  Therefore, my resolution is NO MORE RESOLUTIONS!

Last Saturday at Vineyard Recovery Church, Seth Barber spoke about loss and making a decision to continue on in spite of the loss.  That message really hit a chord in my heart because recently I have suffered a gigantic loss.

His message set me up for my devotions Sunday morning. Isn't that just like God? He really wanted me to get this message.

In Acts 13:42+, Paul and Barnabas and many of the disciples were in Antioch preaching the Good News mainly to the Jews.  Gentiles were present, but God intended that the message be preached to the Jews first.  Many people had become believers, and these believers were urging Paul and the others to continue (persevere) in the grace of God.

When the prominent Jews saw the crowds of listeners, they were filled with jealousy and began to contradict the message, calling the disciples blasphemers.  Instead of whining over this rejection, Paul boldly proclaimed that God had made him a light to shine to the ends of the earth and that he would now focus his attention on the Gentiles who rejoiced and glorified the word of the Lord and believed. This made the prominent Jews persecute the disciples even more and drive them out of their district.

What did Paul, Barnabas, and the others do?  They followed Taylor Swift's timely advice -

They shook off the dust of their feet in protest and moved on to another place continually filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.

So, whatever you're facing, whatever you've lost big or small, don't give upDon't give in!
Don't give out! Don't become offended at God! PersevereShake it off and continue onward in the grace of God! His grace is enough for all the "whatevers" in life.

We are little lights He has strategically placed in this cold, dark world. So, shine! Shake off the dust from the previous place and get up, wash and dress yourself, and go filled with His joy, His purpose, His Spirit.

There's going to be a whole lot of shaking going on.

Monday, January 4, 2016

The Creator of All

day, night
shadows, light
both the same
created by THE Name
the Creator of all
terrors, bliss
blessed by His kiss
gifts from above
crafted by Love
the Creator of all
both together
can't have one without the other
melodies in the night
hymns in the light
comfort from the Creator of all
must not fear
He is ever near
must complete the course
led by THE Force
the Creator of all
every drop must flow
only He truly knows
the joy that awaits
at eternal gates
of Him who is Creator of all
may not be a fan
or minutely understand
can't see through His disguise
in the dark of the night
but I will trust the Creator of all
He tears
He scares
He heals
fountains flowing from the Creator of all
mountain streams
trickles in hidden ravines
flow from the face
accompanied by great grace
from the Creator of all
navigating the stream
with a promise that spring
will come
it has always come
thanks to the Creator of all
in His arms I'll sleep
my soul safe, His to keep
in the daylight
throughout the long night
held snug by the Creator of all

Friday, January 1, 2016

Kingdom Jewels

While wandering down a barren lane
viewing the refuse of a so-called higher race,
dust and filth, sorrow and pain
ran rampant in this place.
No visible sign of hope
could I then detect,
when something within urged, "Look closer.
You just may find something yet!"
So, slowly I approached the nearest heap
with a stick close in hand
and began to carefully rummage
through the throwaways of man.
Something caught a ray of light
blinding me for some time.
Upon much closer inspection,
I realized my precious find.
There in the midst of the dust and filth,
encased in sorrow and pain,
lay a jewel as none I'd ever seen,
far from anything ordinary or plain.
Gently, I picked it up,
tucked it safely in my arms,
took it home, cleansed away the filth,
and discovered a beautiful little girl.
How could she be over looked?
"Happens every day. See,
people look with only the eyes of the world
seeing just the surface, not what's beneath."
"MY heart aches for a race that sees
not just through the eyes of man,
but who look with their hearts
and are loving and merciful to all men."
"Then a person's worth will not be judged
by his value in dollars and cents,
but will be weighed by truth, by hope, by love
and truly treasured, my friend."
"Then other jewels will be plucked from the trash,
no longer lost, but gloriously found,
to be cut and polished, perfected, purified,
and placed in the great KING's crown."