Friday, January 1, 2016

Kingdom Jewels

While wandering down a barren lane
viewing the refuse of a so-called higher race,
dust and filth, sorrow and pain
ran rampant in this place.
No visible sign of hope
could I then detect,
when something within urged, "Look closer.
You just may find something yet!"
So, slowly I approached the nearest heap
with a stick close in hand
and began to carefully rummage
through the throwaways of man.
Something caught a ray of light
blinding me for some time.
Upon much closer inspection,
I realized my precious find.
There in the midst of the dust and filth,
encased in sorrow and pain,
lay a jewel as none I'd ever seen,
far from anything ordinary or plain.
Gently, I picked it up,
tucked it safely in my arms,
took it home, cleansed away the filth,
and discovered a beautiful little girl.
How could she be over looked?
"Happens every day. See,
people look with only the eyes of the world
seeing just the surface, not what's beneath."
"MY heart aches for a race that sees
not just through the eyes of man,
but who look with their hearts
and are loving and merciful to all men."
"Then a person's worth will not be judged
by his value in dollars and cents,
but will be weighed by truth, by hope, by love
and truly treasured, my friend."
"Then other jewels will be plucked from the trash,
no longer lost, but gloriously found,
to be cut and polished, perfected, purified,
and placed in the great KING's crown."

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