Friday, February 17, 2017

What Was / What Is To Be

The gulf between
what was and what is to be
is marked by passages
with narrow bridges between

addiction - freedom,
fear - peace,
brokenness - healing,
isolation - intimacy,

despair - hope,
guilt - forgiveness,
mourning - joy,
uselessness - purpose.

Bridges, when crossed,
that bring new life,
new ways of thinking,
a new place to abide.

Must step forward -
no looking back.
Must forsake what was -
embrace the new path.

No more excuses.
No more lies.
No more denial.
Eyes on the prize.

Patiently allowing
God's love to make me whole
and fill me with His light
deep within my soul.

To know Him, to love Him,
to walk with Him always.
Now is the time.
Today is the day.

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