Saturday, August 1, 2015

Awakened this morning feeling the weight of the world,
alone - forgotten and forsaken in the morning darkness
amidst spiritual clouds hanging so low
that no horizon could be seen,
no friendly ray of hope,
no precious word of friendship,
only this warning:
I alone am responsible for all that exists in my world -
I and no one else
My health, my recovery, my happiness or lack thereof,
the condition of my heart and the gratefulness/faithlessness therein -
all are my responsibility alone.
Adrift among this deluge of feelings,
I am quickened by Your word
to remember the truth, the facts, the eternal.
Feelings are fleeting,
 like clouds which obscure the horizon,
yet the horizon remains eternal,
fixed like the promises of God.
Amy* says, "We may not see the shining of the promises,
but still they shine."
Oh, how they do shine this moment.
Right now, this is no dream.
You are.
You are good.
You are God.
You rule over everything and everyone, everywhere.
You love me and have called me,
and I cannot forget - You will NOT let me - forget this.
Again today, You speak, as only You can,
precious, unfathomable thoughts that amaze and humble me,
reminding me of who I am and am not and
of who You are.
Yes, O yes, you are.
* Amy Carmichael

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