Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Be a man!
Bear the shame of your sin,
your harlotry,
your unfaithfulness to the Word,
your outrageous apathy.
Do you truly not care?
Oh, you care?
Then show me -
no more lipservice
 or alien heart.
I will test you,
so pass my tests.
What do you really think of me?
Is it the truth?
Just exactly what are you doing in my temple?
Am I angry, pleased?
You tell me.
But I will tell you this:
your life is not your own,
says me.
Everything you have or are is a gift from my hands.
It is not for you to orchestrate your steps.
I am the true God,
the living God,
the eternal King.
Is there no reverence?
I am not your toy,
your playthingy.
This is not a game.
It is life or death.
Do you dare to question me?
You can certainly try,
but my plans are my plans and will not be thwarted,
and I will not give my glory to another.
The ways of the nations are not my ways,
and you would be wise to remember that.

1 comment:

  1. This should be posted inside every home, church, school...etc..
    But most of all...
    inside every heart.
    Wow..good one, Debbie. This is a keeper.
