Plans and Stuff
One of the most frustrating situations for worship leaders or anyone in any kind of ministry position to encounter is not knowing "what to do." Sometimes, God gives explicit instructions. At other times, His wishes seem vague. Often, though, we are clueless.When God's will seems vague or when there is "deafening silence," those in these ministry opportunities sometimes experience guilt and unfortunately begin to mentally beat up themselves because undoubtedly they "have done something wrong" or "have not adequately prepared." Well, be encouraged. All is not as it seems.
During the last of the plagues with which God afflicted the Egyptians, Pharaoh qualified the conditions under which he would allow the people of God to go - qualifications unacceptable to God and to Moses. The Israelites could sacrifice right there in Egypt. Nope! Their sacrifice would be detestable to the Egyptians who would in turn stone them. Well then, they could go if they didn't go too far. Then, the men could go if they left the women and children behind. Finally, they could go if they left their flocks and herds behind. Moses responded by saying that they had to take all of their stuff with them for some of it was used in worshipping God . . .
and until we get there we will not know what we are to use to worship the Lord.
~Exodus 10:26
Outside of one's love for God and for His will being done, God's major requirements for any of His children have been and still are obedience and faith. Obedience responds with readiness, availability, a willingness to be wherever and to do or not do whatever. Faith responds with belief, with knowing that God knows and cares and is able to do whatever, with a certainty that He exists and desires to reward those who diligently seek Him, with a surety of His goodness and faithfulness and His desire to do good toward His people regardless of circumstances.
Sometimes we just have to show up - plan or no plan - realizing that God is more concerned with our heart than our plans. In those times, we must stand in faith bringing along with us our "stuff" and our desire for advancing His kingdom. Everything else is up to Him.
The scriptures are full of examples of men and women who after obediently showing up with their stuff were used to honor God.
- Abraham traveled up Mr. Moriah with Isaac and a plan, God's plan. After he showed up and as he reached to slay his only son, God changed the plan and provided a different sacrifice for worship.
- Joshua probably never thought that trumpet blasts and corporate shouts could be used to bring about the destruction of an enemy - Jericho.
- Consider David's slingshot,
- Moses' staff,
- the ark that Noah built,
- Joseph's ability to dream and interpret dreams,
- Rahab's willingness to be hospitable to strangers, to welcome spies into her home,
- Gideon's empty jars,
- Samson's strength,
- Jael's tent peg and hammer,
- loaves and fish.
All of these men and women showed up. They and their stuff were available, and God used them and their stuff mightily. Even Jesus used mud and spit. He exhorted His disciples as He sent them out to do the kingdom work with the following instructions:
Do not worry about what to say or how to say it.
At that time, you will be given what to say,
for it will not be you speaking,
but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.
~ Matthew 10: 19-20
None of our stuff is too small for God to use, and as Frances Schaeffer once said, "There are no little people."
What set all of these people apart was their heart, their availability to God, and their readiness to do whatever with whatever they had brought along - plan or no plan.
So, when God gives a plan, rejoice but be ready for the plan to change at any moment as He so wills. When God gives an inkling, rejoice and be available to do or not do as He so desires. When there is silence, show up and wait denying the feelings of guilt unless they're merited and silencing the clamor within and without which desires to keep us from hearing God's next step.
In reality, we aren't able to accomplish anything for God. It's His Spirit that accomplishes whatever is accomplished through us. So, remember to show up if God has told you to and to bring all your "stuff" with you because often you will not know what you are to use to worship the Lord until you get there.
God always has a plan whether we know it beforehand or not. We can rest in that. So, go rejoicing in His goodness and mercy, in His ability to do all things at any time and in any place, in His great love for us, and in His invitation to participate in furthering His kingdom.
I know not all that may be coming,
but be it what it will,
I'll go to it laughing.
~ Stubb in Herman Melville's Moby Dick
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